Make your health & wellness business take flight!
This is the course we wished existed when we first started. We have distilled our collective decades of experience in the wellness industry into an actionable step by step programme. We know what works because we have walked the walk. Across the teaching team we have created a thriving multi layered business from scratch, mastered the media, and made true impact. Now we want to help you do the same.

Here's what you will unlock with this all encompassing masterclass..
- How to build, grow, and nurture an audience that turns into a tribe of loyal raving fans.
- How to market and sell to your audience without losing credibility.
- How to build powerful, scalable, digital products that can scale your business to 6 figures and beyond with just you running the show.
- How to become a published author and create books that change lives and sell year in year out.
- How to master the media and get booked for TV, radio, printed press and more as THE go to leader in your field.
- How to create product launches and evergreen sales sequences that keep people coming into your business 24/7.
- ....and basically everything that we have learned in our decades in the wellness industry.

Leveraging social media.
The starting foundation! This is not a 2 bit 'how to get more followers' module. This combines practical steps with psychology and sales:
- Turn followers into raving fans that will join all your programmes and purchase from you again and again, using a content approach that makes you the 'go to' resource.
- Use the trust and traction you have gained to market to them effectively yet subtly.
- All the tech. All the techniques.
Monetising your mission
The standard business model in the wellness world is built around 1 to 1. In a clinic, a gym, an office, a home, or online. One to one working to help clients achieve change and improve their health. The problem is, eventually you reach a limit. There are only so many hours in a day. If you want to scale your business and build a significant income, you have to take your business 1 to many. You have to be able to serve tens of thousands of people at once.
Learn how to create, build and market:
- Online courses.
- Subscription programmes.
- Coaching programmes.
- Build brand relationships and score brand deals.

Building a list & launching
Once you have created your scalable digital products, you then of course have to sell them. We teach you how to market them effectively to your tribe of die hard fans, and also how to market them to total strangers. These are 2 very different strategies that require different psychology, communication and tactics.
- The language and communication needed to sell to different audiences.
- How to get your products in front of your established audience without being all 'salesy' and creepy.
- How to bring complete strangers into your online world.
- How to set up an evergreen sales machine that works for you 24/7
Become a published author.
This module is taught by our founder Dale. He is a Sunday Times best selling author of 20 books that are available in 22 languages. This is an area that has been a huge foundation of his career and that he knows very well. You will cover:
- How to find a killer idea in your niche, no matter how crowded.
- How to plan a book that blows readers minds.
- How to create a killer proposal for agents and publishers.
- How to take the leap and go it alone with self publishing as an option.
- ...and a whole LOT more.
Rarely will you ever get this level of insight into this industry and how to make a smash.

Mastering the media.
In the final module we show you how to forge relationships with the media and become the person that they turn to for expertise in that field. You have two powerhouses from the industry telling you straight up what actually works. When you get it from a well known BBC presenter and former newspaper health & beauty editor, you know there will not be any fluff and nonsense. You will learn:
- How to start and nurture relationships in the media.
- How to approach producers and bookers and stand out from the crowd.
- How to become the known 'go to' person in your niche that the press call on again and again.
- How to NAIL interviews to wow the audience and get them seeking YOUR services.
By The End Of This Course You Will Be Able To:
Build A Business That Can Scale & Grow
You will learn how to stand out and get yourself 'out there' and in demand so that you can go beyond just making a living. You can create a business that can truly grow and scale and change your life.
Build An Audience That Are Begging To Work With You
The wellness industry is crowded by an awful lot of noise. With our 4 step system you can instantly stand out and become the voice that your perfect audience just fall in love with, and they will be begging to work with you.
Build Products & Services That Sell Themselves
When you understand your audience and what makes them tick, you know how to serve them. When you use that knowledge to create products that truly help your audience, they sell themselves.
Why This Program
is Different
Let's face it, there are a million business courses out there. If you wanted advice on how to build an online fashion brand. We would fail you there. How to launch a profitable property investment company - not a clue. But if you want guidance on turning your wellness qualifications and expertise into a scalable business that you can run easily from a laptop. That serves tens of thousands of people. Then we are walking proof of this being achievable. We made every conceivable mistake, learned the hard way, and finally succeeded. We built systems and tactics along the way from all those ups and downs. So if that is what you are looking for, you are in the right place.
You will be taught how to build a business in the digital economy by our founder who has built multiple successful online businesses (you are looking at one now), and can guide you step by step to do the same. You are being taught how to tackle the broadcast media by an established BBC presenter. You are taught how to build PR relationships with journalists by a former red top health & beauty editor. You are taught key social media skills by the owner of a social media agency specialising in wellness clients.
You get everything from those that have been there and done it and walked the walk. There are lots of courses out there. We are not the same!

Clare - Physiotherapist
"This course is a MUST for anyone wondering how to get going in the digital wellness world! Released in manageable chunks each week, every lesson is immediately actionable and you can quickly build a picture of how you might move your own digital business forward! The key for me is that the ethos of the course is VALUE driven and this comes through in each session - whether from Dale himself or from the other industry experts who walk the walk! If you’re a practical person and you want something you can dive right into then do it - this is the course for you!"
Clare @physioecosse
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TAKE THIS OPTION© International School of Nutritional Medicine